Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change: Week 3

I can't believe it's already week 3 of my SMART goal! Time goes by so fast. My SMART goal is to reduce the amount of plastic water bottles I use to one per week, and by the end of ten weeks, be only using a glass water bottle. This week has been good! I felt I had success with my goal, since I didn't purchase one plastic water bottle. A challenge that I did face today was that I had no reusable water bottles with me, was running errands all day, and really wanted to grab a bottle to go. I suppose I could have since I am still allowing myself one plastic bottle a week, but I decided to go without and felt good about it! Something that I learned this week is to be prepared so I'm not tempted to purchase a plastic water bottle. Also, I NEED to get to the store to buy my glass bottle! I've been putting it off because I've been busy, but I need to make it a priority. I hope to accomplish that by next week! I am planning on continuing with my SMART goal. I hope to continue using no water bottle, and if so, only one per week. Hopefully, I'll make it to the store to get that glass water bottle and start using that!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Eye Opener: CSPI

I chose to take the Score Your Diet quiz. I wasn't too nervous since I eat pretty healthy I think, but after taking it I realized some changes should be made! The food that I scored the highest in were fruits and veggies, which is a good thing. I scored the highest in these because I eat a lot of fruits and vegetables per week. The foods that I scored the lowest in were candy, chicken, beef, and pork, to name a few. It's a good thing I scored low in the sweets section since that stuff is never good for you. But I could eat more chicken since that's so high in protein. I think I scored the lowest in those foods since I really am not a big meat eater. The category that I need the most work in is the Environmental section. I could put more effort into eating locally grown meat, fruit, and vegetables. I think the main reason I don't do that is because I think its not as convenient, but I think if I put in the effort it would be worth it. I plan on trying to eat more locally grown items since it's a great way to help out people in the community, it's environmentally friendly, and it would help me be healthier too! Overall, taking this quiz made me think more about how my diet does affect other things besides myself. I can make more of an effort to eat differently in order to be to be more healthy, be more conscious of animal welfare, and to help the environment.