Thursday, December 15, 2011

Reflection Weeks 8-15

Reflection Time!
I know this has been said before, but what haven't we learned in this class? I can honestly say that this has been my favorite class in my three and a half years at UMD. It has been thought provoking, challenging and interesting, to say the least. The second half of the semester has been a little more challenging than the first. I would say this was due to all the advocacy stuff that we encountered, but it still was well worth the time. We also switched up web groups, which was nice since I was able to hear other people's opinions and thoughts. Shannon, Bailey, and Chnice all provided me with interesting thoughts and ideas on my posts and also gave me many posts and topics to consider.

Week 8 started off with the Tapped documentary. This was by far my favorite documentary that I have watched so far in this class. It really enhanced my knowledge about water, water rights, contaminants, BPA, chemicals, etc. I really have a strong interest in water and plastic bottles and the effect that they are having on our nation. I loved watching all the documentaries in this class because they provide a very realistic and enlightening view on some incredibly serious topics that we are facing. 
Junk, Junk, Junk
We talked quite a bit about junking and how to repurpose things that to some, might just be worthless and well, junk! We did junking projects and the above picture is what I created. It was part of a ceiling fan, one of the blades on it actually. My dad had just taken it down and was going to toss it out, so I grabbed one and repurposed it. It can be used to put pictures on or post it notes, or if I put in some hooks it can be used to hang keys on...lots of different purposes! This part of the class taught me that I shouldn't just toss something without really can be put to good use.

And then we get into the advocacy part of the semester! While this wasn't my favorite topic in Environmental Health, I learned so much. I'm not very good at politics and laws and such, but working on my letter to my elected official really helped me see how important it is to know who our politicians are and how to approach them on an important issue. I really believe that the "fracking" issue that is going on is very real and needs to be addressed. Along with that, I have learned so much about BPA and what it is doing to our bodies. I recently read an article on BPA and how in March of 2012 the FDA will decide whether or not to ban it for good. That is one law that I truly hope gets passed. 
The Photo Essay was one of my favorite blogs to do. I really liked being able to portray how my family does things for the environment through pictures. It was a fun project and really opened my eyes as to how well my family uses what we have and is environmentally friendly. It was also really fun to see other people's photo essays...such a fun project!

Share And Voice
I really enjoyed this part of the semester. I found some great websites, articles and blogs through my searching. This was one of my favorite parts of Environmental Health. It was great to do this with my web group since I was able to learn so much through them. 

As I said at the beginning of this post, what didn't we learn in this class?? Being in this class really taught me so much about myself, the environment, our world, politics and laws, and overall, how to be environmentally friendly! It was great to learn so much and I also was able to learn about myself as well as my peers. I hope continue to practice the concepts that I have learned in this class even though it's coming to an end. It truly has been an awesome experience to have taken Environmental Health!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Share & Voice: The Daily Green

The Daily Green is a really cool blog that I came across and wanted use for this Share and Voice. I spent awhile looking over this blog and it really contains some great information on the environment as well as up to date articles on what's going on in our world. I found this article on BPA and how by March of 2012, the FDA will decide whether or not BPA will continue to be allowed to be used in plastics and certain types of cans. I know this is an issue that all of us, as health educators, are concerned about. I certainly hope that the FDA bans the use of BPA, as it is a toxic chemical that can be leached into the body through use of a water bottle, for example. This is something that I have become more and more concerned about throughout this semester, so I certainly hope that the FDA makes the right decision to ban the use of BPA. There is also a section of this blog that focuses on tips and advice.  Simple things like turning off your computer when you aren't using it and turning down the thermostat can really help make a difference. Check out this blog for more great advice and articles on being environmentally friendly!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Advocacy Project: Letter to Elected Official

December 12th, 2011

Senator Herb Kohl
Dear Senator Herb Kohl,


     I am writing this letter to strongly urge you to vote yes on The Fracturing Responsibility and Awareness of Chemicals Act. The longer that this act does not get passed, the more water, air and land is being contaminated. By supporting this bill and voting for this act to be passed, you will be a part of making our world a safer place to live. People should not have to worry about whether the water they are drinking is clean and free from chemicals; not passing this act makes them do just that. 

     According to Food and Water Watch, there have been over a thousand documented cases of water contamination near drilling sites around the country. Is the money that the gas and oil industries making really outweigh the price of an individual's health? Along with the fact that "fracking" is not being regulated enough and that contaminants are being leaked into drinking water, "fracking" requires an incredible amount of water in the process. This can cause local water resources to be depleted of water that is essential and more important for other uses than "fracking". Passing S. 1215 will allow more extensive regulation of "fracking" which in turn could save lives and prevent drinking water contamination, along with air and land damage. 

     The major opponents of this bill are the gas and oil industries. I do understand that passing S. 1215 will cost these industries and the government an extreme amount of money. However, it all comes down to what is the right thing to do. Is it right to jeopordize lives in an effort to make or save money? I think it is safe to say that no one would say that money is more important than life. 

     I appreciate you taking the time to read this letter. Once again, I strongly encourage you to consider passing S.1215: The Fracturing Responsibility and Awareness of Chemical's Act. Voting yes to this act is the right and ethical decision. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me at 888-888-8888. Thank you again for your time. 
