Monday, October 3, 2011

Eye Opener: Ecological Footprint

I'll be the first to admit that I'm not overly environmentally friendly...something that I'm working on changing! So I wasn't too excited to take the quizzes and find out exactly how NOT eco-friendly I've been. Needless to say, I wasn't surprised at my results. I took the Ecological Footprint quiz, which I actually thought was pretty cool. It showed that if everyone lived like me, we'd need 4.9 planet earths to support our lifestyles. That's not good!

I liked how the quiz broke everything down, so I could see what I needed to focus more on. I think that I could really start purchasing more locally grown food, which would be healthier and more eco-friendly. Also, I could cut back on how often I drive my car. The bus is available to use and is free, so it would be cheaper to use that instead of driving my car everywhere. There's a lot of learn through taking these helped me see that I need to start being more "green" and how to go about it!


  1. My pie chart was similar to yours in the services group. It's hard to grasp the fact that we use so many resources that we take for granted. I'm trying to do my part in working on this aspect, too.. good luck!

  2. It surprises me that so much of the pie chart consists of "services." I do not know what that consists of other than electricity, but it makes up so much of our lives!

  3. I think the title "Eye Opener" really sums up what this exercise did. It really puts things in perspective.


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