Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Reflection Week 1-7

I can't believe the semester is already half over! It's crazy how fast time goes by, especially being a senior and being busy constantly. I have learned so much in this course so far. In the beginning, I wasn't so sure how I felt about this course, but I really have become so much more knowledgeable when it comes to being environmentally friendly and all that it encompasses.

I really knew nothing about blogging until this class. Although blogging is not my favorite thing to do, I have learned all about blogger and how it works. It was confusing at first, especially when it came to being able to log in under the right account and the settings, but after some time and tweaking, it was all figured out! I learned about how to create a favicon, how to correctly link items, how to create posts in general, how to write an about me page, etc. The list goes on and on!

Over the last few weeks, we have watched some documentaries that really opened my eyes to some very serious issues. We watched Tapped, which was my favorite film so far. It really helped me understand the severity of plastic water bottles and what they are doing to our environment and our health and well being. The Future of Food was another documentary that we watched that helped me realize how our food is being produced and what goes into it. This class has really helped me understand how our world today is so obsessed with money and the convenience of food instead of the nutrition and the health benefits behind it. It really made me see that paying a little more to get something that is organic and locally grown is worth the cost.

I can't believe all that I've learned so far in this class and we have so much time left still! I think the biggest changes I've made involve using better water bottles and eating more organic food. I've always been interested in nutrition, but watching the videos related to food will really change the way you think even more. I'm excited to do my junking project that's coming up soon! It should be a great project. This has been a very enlightening and fun class so far and I'm excited to see what's next!


  1. Hi Ruthanne!
    After reading your post, it seemed as if the documentaries were the fruit of your learning labor in this class. I say that because it sounds as if the movies were enough of an eye opener to make you make some changes in your lifestyle. I really enjoyed “Tapped” too, because I did my Read ‘n’ Seed on the book, “Aqua Shock. The Water Crisis in America.” The water bottle situation is just a scratch on the surface of the whole entire water issue.
    As for Blogger, I understand how you feel. If someone asked me to show them how to edit an HTML code for their picture box, I wouldn’t be able to do it. On the other side, we are similar because we learned the value of blogging. I know I came to realize how many capabilities that Blogger has to offer people in the social media world. To me it seems like, the educational Facebook; just not as addicting.
    Well, I’m excited to see what you do your junking project on. I know that if my junking projects aren’t God awful they are definitely going to be xmas presents, so I can save some money. Well if you want any info on the water situation in America, I’m your woman!

  2. The Tapped documentary was my favorite as well, and watching documentaries in class is my favorite part about this really opens your eyes to all of the environmental health issues out there

  3. Hi Ruthanne!

    In reading your post, it seems as though the documentaries really made big impact on you. It's one thing to hear just how much something may affect you but to actually see it through the documentaries just make you feel compelled to change your behaviors. This class has definitely made a big impact, I believe on the whole class. I know for me it is very difficult to grocery shop since taking this course, so many changes need to be made in order for us to naturally be healthy!

  4. Ruthanne, you are very right when you said how our world today is obsessed with money and the convenience of food instead of taking the time and making quality food and caring about what goes into our bodies. The documentaries we have watched really do open your eyes about the things that most people are totally unaware of. Becoming aware and educated in these areas is the first step in making a change. I look forward to blogging with you during this part of the semester!


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