Monday, December 12, 2011

Advocacy Project: Letter to Elected Official

December 12th, 2011

Senator Herb Kohl
Dear Senator Herb Kohl,


     I am writing this letter to strongly urge you to vote yes on The Fracturing Responsibility and Awareness of Chemicals Act. The longer that this act does not get passed, the more water, air and land is being contaminated. By supporting this bill and voting for this act to be passed, you will be a part of making our world a safer place to live. People should not have to worry about whether the water they are drinking is clean and free from chemicals; not passing this act makes them do just that. 

     According to Food and Water Watch, there have been over a thousand documented cases of water contamination near drilling sites around the country. Is the money that the gas and oil industries making really outweigh the price of an individual's health? Along with the fact that "fracking" is not being regulated enough and that contaminants are being leaked into drinking water, "fracking" requires an incredible amount of water in the process. This can cause local water resources to be depleted of water that is essential and more important for other uses than "fracking". Passing S. 1215 will allow more extensive regulation of "fracking" which in turn could save lives and prevent drinking water contamination, along with air and land damage. 

     The major opponents of this bill are the gas and oil industries. I do understand that passing S. 1215 will cost these industries and the government an extreme amount of money. However, it all comes down to what is the right thing to do. Is it right to jeopordize lives in an effort to make or save money? I think it is safe to say that no one would say that money is more important than life. 

     I appreciate you taking the time to read this letter. Once again, I strongly encourage you to consider passing S.1215: The Fracturing Responsibility and Awareness of Chemical's Act. Voting yes to this act is the right and ethical decision. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me at 888-888-8888. Thank you again for your time. 



  1. It's sad to think that some organizations are willing to put people's health in harm just to save money. People need to be made more aware of this problem, especially the big gas and oil industries so they'll stop contaminating water. This happens everywhere and affects a lot of people so it should be fixed as soon as possible. Good post!

  2. Hi Ruthanne-

    Totally agree with your position on this letter. Anyone should not have to worry if their water is safe for consumption. The fact that so many documented cases have reported concerning this issue is frightening. There should be something done about this because yes life is more important than a buck!

  3. Ruthanne!

    Great Job on the letter! I just wanted to mention that I had a mistake with trying to post my letter, but as of wednesday, it's posted if you would like to see it. Better a late post, than not at all is my motto.

    The comment you made about our contaminated water system is a great attention grabber for politicians! Through this class I've noticed that politicians are greatly influenced by money, a big part of our country that they deal with is the economy. It may spark their interest even more if they realize that our community will have to shovel out the dollars for health care if we're drinking contaminated water.

    You're letter on fracking could cause enough awareness for politicians to research this issue more and vote according to our health and well-being. If we help them remember that they drink the water too and their at risk as well, they just might realize that this is something worth voting yes on.

    Thanks for the info!


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