Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change: Week 4

Week 4 into my lifestyle change and it's going well!  My SMART goal is to reduce the amount of plastic water bottles I use to one per week, and by the end of ten weeks, be only using a glass water bottle. This week went good...I FINALLY made it to the store to get a glass water bottle, and was pretty disappointed with the results. I went to TJ Max, which is where Dr. V. had purchased hers. If anyone else has noticed, its a pretty glass bottle with leaves, so I figured I'd be able to find the same. No such luck. All I could find was a small, Voss water bottle. It wasn't expensive at all, so I grabbed it. I felt pretty good about it but only because it was glass. I didn't care much for how small it was since I kept having to refill it over and over again. Plus, it wasn't very pretty :) So now it is rolling around on the floor of my car while I continue to use a plastic, much larger, pink :), water bottle.

                                          Photo credited to

So what's my next step? I've decided to continue my search for a better, more convenient glass water bottle. I may not have mentioned it before, but I am really picky when it comes to what plastic water bottle I use. Some just have that weird, plastic taste to them that I can't stand. This is a part, along with being environmentally friendly and healthier, that I want a glass water bottle. I still am staying away with the plastic, one time use water bottles. I haven't purchased one in quite some time and feel great about it. Even though I do miss my Smart water!

I have decided to continue with my SMART goal. The part I'm doing good with is not purchasing any more plastic water bottles that I just toss after one use. I just spent a while looking on Amazon for glass water bottles to order, and I am thinking that may be the route to go. If anyone has other suggestions of where to purchase them, let me know!


  1. It's true, some plastic water bottles have a funny taste to them, and I am picky also. I suggest glass water bottles. They taste better, but you have to be very careful not to drop or break them.

  2. When it comes to drinking out of a plastic water bottle, it the water tastes different, its usually because you are getting chemicals off the plastic into your water. And that can't be good. Glass water bottles are hard to find. Good Luck.

  3. That stinks you couldn't find one at any stores! I guess I've never looked/seen glass water bottles, so I couldn't help you. I already mentioned this, but try the Camelbak water bottles!! I've never noticed a plastic taste to them (but maybe I don't have a very picky sense of taste)... but they're at UMD so you could check those out before you decide to order anything online.


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